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Artefact ID1099
TM IDTM 32579
Findspot (DEChriM ID)30   (al-Ašmūnayn)
Writing mediumSheet/roll
Text contentDocumentary

SB XVI 12244: Fragment of a document.

Upper part of a document sent by Flavius Demeas, son of Heraklammon, town councillor and devotissimus tribunus to the heirs of Sostratos; perhaps a contract.

According to the editor, Sostratos could possibly be identified with Sostratos Ailianos, strategos and exaktor of the Hermopolites nome frequently found in the Vienna papyri; if so, the provenance of the papyrus would be Hermopolis.

The document starts with the Christan cryptogram χμγ at the top, in the middle of the page. The handwriting is a byzantine cursive leaning to the right, running along the fibres.

Verso: The document was cut and reused to write a medical prescription for tooth-powder on the back (TM 64525 / LDAB 5752). There the handwriting is an unformal majuscule and the text runs across the fibres.

Selection criteriaChristian symbols/gestures/isopsephy
Date from375
Date to450
Dating criteria

Dated 4th c. in ed. pr. but palaeography and use of χμγ rather point to late 4th or early 5th c. [VS].

Absolute/relative dateRelative date
Archaeological context

The hermopolite provenance is uncertain.

Accession number

Vienna, Nationalbibliothek G 30914 Ro


Editio princeps

• Sijpesteijn, Pieter J. 1981."Vierzehn Wiener Papyri." Aegyptus 61, 69-92 (no. 6, p. 79).

Valérie Schram, 2021
Suggested citation
Valérie Schram, 2021, "Artefact ID 1099", 4CARE database - Fourth-Century Christian Archaeological Record of Egypt, https://4care-skos.mf.no/artefacts/1099
External links