Artefact ID | 118 |
TM ID | TM 85881 |
Findspot (DEChriM ID) | 12 (Ismant al-Ḫarāb) |
Class | Textual |
Material | Papyrus |
Writing medium | Sheet/roll |
Text content | Documentary |
Language | Coptic |
Archive/Dossier | Dossier |
Description | P.KellisCopt. I 30 [P.Kellis V 30] Fragmentarily preserved personal letter from Lysimachos to Horos mentioning bishops and the wish to go somewhere, with 24 lines in Coptic (L) on recto and Greek address on verso |
Selection criteria | Mention of Christian cult officials/institutions, Mention of Christian individuals/communities, Coptic language |
Date from | 350 |
Date to | 360 |
Dating criteria | Archaeological context, dossier connection (Makarios family letters) |
Absolute/relative date | Relative date |
Archaeological context | House 3, room 6, deposit 1 north end |
Accession number | P.KellisCopt. I 30 Inv.-Nr. P35D current location unknown, probably excavation or SCA store rooms |