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Artefact ID1696
TM IDTM 64558
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Writing mediumSheet/roll
Text contentSubliterary

P. Cairo Cat. 10263, PGM 2 Christliches 13, van Haelst 895: Spell/Hymn/Amulet invoking Jesus 
This near-complete sheet (18.7 x 33 cm) served as possibly an amulet, having been folded ~7 times horizontally, invoking Jesus over 18 lines. Addressed to θεὸν τῶν οὐρανῶν καὶ θεὸν τῆς γῆς καὶ θ[εὸν] τῶν διὰ [αἵματός σου] ἁγίων (line 1), lines 2– 8 recount the history of Jesus (who is named in line 14), including the angel Gabriel and the Virgin Maria (τῆς Μαρία[ς] τῆς παρθένο[υ], line 3). The text ends with declaring the eternal power of Christ over rulers of darkness, spirits, daemons, fever, and mortal enemies. Interestingly, Charon appears in line 11. The verso is blank.

Selection criteriaChristian terms/formulas/concepts, Christian onomastics
Date from300
Date to499
Dating criteria

Palaeography; the notes that Grenfell has placed the hand in the 4th or 5th c. Mihyalko 2015 dates it to the early 5th c.

Absolute/relative dateRelative date
Archaeological context

Unknown provenance. Grenfell/Hunt 1903 note “apparently the papyrus had been buried with a mummy”.

Accession number

Cairo, Egyptian Museum CG 10263


Reference edition
• Mihálykó, Ágnes T. 2015. “Christ and Charon: PGM P13 in Context.” In Byzanz und das Abendland III. Studia Byzantino-Occidentalia, edited by Erika Juhász. Antiquitas, Byzantium, Renascentia XV (Bibliotheca Byzantina 3). Budapest: Eötvös-József-Collegium. 283-292.
• Mihálykó, Ágnes T. 2015. “Christ and Charon: PGM P13 Reconsidered.” Symbolae Osloenses 89: 183-209.

Editio princeps
• Jacoby, Adolf. 1900. Ein neues Evangelienfragment. Mit vier Tafeln in Lichtdruck. Strassburg: Karl J. Trübner. 31-51.

Additional bibliography
• Cabrol, Fernand and Henri Leclercq. 1913. Relliquiae Liturgicae Vetustissimae. Monumenta Ecclesiae Liturgica, Vol. I, Sectio II. Paris: Firmin Didot. 146-148.
• de Bruyn, Theodore S., and Jitse H.F. Dijkstra. 2011. “Greek Amulets and Formularies from Egypt Containing Christian Elements: A Checklist of Papyri, Parchments, Ostraka, and Tablets.” Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists (BASP) 48: 163-216. No. 30, 188-189.
• de Ricci, Seymour. 1901. “Bulletin papyrologique.” Revue des Études Grecques (REG) 14. 163-205: 192.
• Grenfell, Bernard P. and Hunt, Arthur S. 1903. Greek Papyri, Catalogue Général des Antiquités Egyptiennes du Musée du Caire, Nos. 10001—10869. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 34, No. 10263.
• Leclercq, Henri. 1937. "Papyrus." In Dictionnaire d'Archéologie chrétienne et de liturgie 13(1), fasc. 144–145, edited by Fernand Cabrol and Henri Leclercq. Paris: Librairie Letouzey & Ané, col. 1370-1520: col. 1382-1384, No. 2.
• Meyer, Marvin W. and Richard Smith. 1994. Ancient Christian Magic. Coptic Texts of Ritual Power. San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco. 35-36, No. 10.
• Preisendanz, Karl. 1974. Papyri Graecae Magicae: Die Griechischen Zauberpapyri. Vol. 2. Leipzig/Berlin: Teubner. 220-222, No. Christliches P 13.
• Reitzenstein, Richard. 1911. “Berliner Klassikertexte. Heft VI: Altchristliche Texte.” Göttingische Gelehrte Anzeiger (GGA) 173, Berlin: Weidmannsche Buchhandlung. 537-568: 565.
• Schermann, Theodor. 1912. Ägyptische Abendmahlsliturgien des ersten Jahrtausends in ihrer Überlieferung dargestellt. New York: Johnson. 208-210.
• Scibilia, Anna. 2008. "Un'invocazione greca proveniente dall'Egitto cristiano. Il Papiro Kairo 10263 ed un procedimento di cristianizzazione. Il Papiro Rainer 5: analogie e differenze in alcune procedure iatromagiche." In Cristo e Asclepio. Culti terapeutici e taumaturgici nel mondo mediterraneo antico fra cristiani e pagani. Atti del Convegno Internazionale. Accademia di Studi Mediterranei, Agrigento 20-21 novembre 2006, edited by Enrico Dal Covolo and Giulia Sfameni Gasparo. Nuova Biblioteca di Scienze Religiose 11. Roma: Libreria Ateneo Silesiano: 175-188.
• van Haelst, Joseph. 1976. Catalogue des papyrus littéraires juifs et chrétiens. Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne. 294, No. 895.
• Wessely, Carl. 1924. “Les plus anciens monuments du christianisme II.” Patrologia orientalis 18(3). 405-407, no. E.

Victoria G. D. Landau, 2023
Suggested citation
Victoria G. D. Landau, 2023, "Artefact ID 1696", 4CARE database - Fourth-Century Christian Archaeological Record of Egypt,