Artefact ID | 1726 |
TM ID | TM 32935 |
Findspot (DEChriM ID) | - () |
Class | Textual |
Material | Papyrus |
Writing medium | Sheet/roll |
Text content | Documentary |
Language | Greek |
Description | P. Strasbourg gr. 1900, SB 14 11532: Letter to the διδάσκαλος Philoxenos |
Selection criteria | Christian terms/formulas/concepts, Nomina sacra, Biblical quote or paraphrase |
Date from | 300 |
Date to | 399 |
Dating criteria | Palaeography; compared to P.Lond. 234 (P. Abinn. 3, 346 CE) in the, also stating that the names included indicate rather second half of the 4th c. Broux/Clarysse place the use of the name Arsinoe in the early 4th c. |
Absolute/relative date | Relative date |
Archaeological context | Unknown provenance; since Alexandria is mentioned in line 1, probably Egypt. |
Accession number | Strasbourg, Bibliothèque Nationale P. gr. 1900 |