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Artefact ID305
TM IDTM 64501
Findspot (DEChriM ID)28   (al-Bahnasā)
Writing mediumCodex
Text contentLiterary

P.Oxy. X 1224; Ap12; Oxyrhynchus Gospel 1224

Two fragments of a papyrus folio containing apocryphal sayings of Jesus.

The fragments preserve an uncanonical gospel, and are probably bifolios. The second fragment contains two columns of text (with columnal pagination), recto and verso. The text contains an account of Jesus dining with a sinner, including a vision of Jesus and an instruction to pray for one's enemies together with parallels to Mark 2:17 and Luke 9:50.

The first fragment is quite small, and only one instance of pagination is preserved. The highly fragmented text presents a direct statement of Jesus. The hand is a biblical majuscule.

The preserved columns are numbered 139 (frg. 1), 143(conjectured)-144, 145(conjectured)-146. 

Selection criteriaLiterary genre (Non-canonical)
Date from300
Date to350
Dating criteria


Absolute/relative dateRelative date
Archaeological context-
Accession number

Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS. Gr. th. e. 8 (P).


Editio princeps:

∙ Hunt, Arthur S. and Bernard Grenfell. 1914. The Oxyrhynchus Papyri, part X. Published by the Egypt Exploration Society in Graeco-Roman Memoirs. London. 1-10, no. 1224 and plate no. 1.

Reference edition:

∙ Foster, Paul. 2010. "Papyrus Oxyrhynchus X 1224". Early Christian Manuscripts. Kraus, Thomas J. and Tobias Nicklas, eds. Leiden: Brill. 59-96.

Additional bibliography:

∙ Aland, Kurt. 1976. Repertorium der griechischen christlichen Papyri: 1. Biblische Papyri: Altes Testament, Neues Testament, Varia, Apokryphen. Apokryphen 12.

∙ Bernhard, Andrew E. 2006. Early Christian manuscripts. Library of New Testament studies 315. London. 100-101, 114-119, plate 26. 

∙ Blumell, Lincoln H. and Thomas A. Wayment. 2015. Christian Oxyrynchus: Texts, Documents and Sources. Waco, Texas. Papyrus no. 75.

∙ Elliot, J. K. ed. 2005. The Apocryphal New Testament: A Collection of Apocryphal Christian Literature in an English Translation. Clarendon: Oxford University Press.

∙ Geerard, Maurits. 1992. Clavis apocryphorum Novi Testamenti. Turnhout: Brepols. 2 no. 3.

∙ Hurtado, Larry. 2006. The Earliest Christian Artifacts: Manuscripts and Christian Origins. Grand Rapids, Michigan. 113 n. 56-58.

∙ Kraus, Thomas J. 2009. "P.Oxy. 1224 'An 'Uncanonical Gospel'". Gospel Fragments. Kraus, Thomas J., Michael J. Kruger, and Tobias Nicklas, eds. Oxford. 264-280.

∙ Lührmann, Dieter. 1987. "Das Bruchstück Aus Dem Hebräerevangelium Bei Didymos Von Alexandrien". Novum Testamentum 29 (3). 265-279.

∙ Lührmann, Dieter and Egbert Schlarb, eds. 2000. Fragmente apokryph gewordener Evangelien. Marburger theologische Studien 59. Marburg. 170-177.

∙ Miller, Robert J. ed. 1992. The Complete Gospels: Annotated Scholars Version. Sonoma, CA: Polebridge Press. 416-418.

∙ Schmidt, Andreas. 1989. "P. Oxy. X 1224, Fragment 2 recto, Col. I: Ein neuer Vorschlag". ZNW 80. 276-277.

∙ Schneemelcher, Wilhem, ed. 1991. Gospels and Related Writings. Vol. 1. Rev. ed. New Testament Apocrypha. Translated by R. Wilson. Louisville.

∙ Stoker, W. D. 1989. Extracanonical Sayings of Jesus. SBLRBS 18. Atlanta. 

∙ van Haelst, Joseph. 1976. Catalogue des papyrus littéraires juifs et chrétiens. Description no. 587.

∙ Wayment, Thomas A. 2013. The text of the New Testament apocrypha (100-400 CE). London. 192-194, 406-407.

∙ Wessely, C. 1924. Les plus anciens monuments du christianisme écrits sur papyrus. Vol. 2. Paris. 490-493.

Sofia Heim, 2021
Suggested citation
Sofia Heim, 2021, "Artefact ID 305", 4CARE database - Fourth-Century Christian Archaeological Record of Egypt,