Artefact ID | 341 |
TM ID | TM 832739 |
Findspot (DEChriM ID) | 12 (Ismant al-Ḫarāb) |
Class | Textual |
Material | Papyrus |
Writing medium | Sheet/roll |
Text content | Documentary |
Language | Greek, Coptic |
Archive/Dossier | Dossier |
Description | P.KellisCopt. II 92 [P.Kellis VII 92] Complete letter from Timotheos and Loihat to T.'s 'sister' Kyra in Coptic (L) with Greek address and farewell, sent maybe from the Nile valley, in which he disavows responsibility for some problem to do with goods belonging to her son assuring her of his proper attention to her business, after greeting, a Klaudios adds a short note |
Selection criteria | Mention of Christian cult officials/institutions, Coptic language |
Date from | 340 |
Date to | 380 |
Dating criteria | Archaeological context, dossier connection |
Absolute/relative date | Relative date |
Archaeological context | House 3, room 6, deposit 4 west wall |
Accession number | P.KellisCopt. II 92 Inv. Nr. P90B current location unknown, probably excavation or SCA storage |