Artefact ID | 421 |
TM ID | TM 74600 |
Findspot (DEChriM ID) | 12 (Ismant al-Ḫarāb) |
Class | Textual |
Material | Ceramic |
Writing medium | Ostracon |
Text content | Documentary |
Language | Greek |
Description | O.Kellis 76: Receipt of oil signed by Theodoros. Writing parallel to the throwing marks. |
Selection criteria | Christian onomastics, Archaeological context associated with Christian markers |
Date from | 300 |
Date to | 399 |
Dating criteria | Dated 4th c. (Worp 2004: 233) |
Absolute/relative date | Relative date |
Archaeological context | From the West Church, Narthex, deposit 2. |
Accession number | Kellis, excavations Dakleh Oasis Project 1986-, no. #D/6/10; SCA# 2249 |