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Artefact ID1177
TM IDTM 33228
Findspot (DEChriM ID)28   (al-Bahnasā)
Writing mediumSheet/roll
Text contentDocumentary

PSI III 208: Letter of peace.

Small sheet of parchment conserving a short letter written by Sotas to his "beloved brother Petros", with "greetings in the Lord". The letter introduces a certain Herakles, "according to custom" and ends with salutations from Sotas' community to Petros' own Christian community and prayers in God. This letter is categorised as a "letter of peace" rather than letter of recommendation in Teeter 1997: 960.

The letter is, like the one from Sotas to Paulos (PSI IX 1041), written on parchment, but here on the flesh side. Although the left side of the sheet is broken, it probably had the same kind of layout with indentations in opening and closing. The handwriting is different, more angular and pointy,  and the letters "lack the elegance of the hand that wrote the letter to Paul". Use of nomina sacra (description in Luijendijk 2008: 84-85). For a close parallel, see also P.Alex. 29.

About the use of parchment as a writing medium (very rare for letters) suggesting "involvement in the production of Christian codices, for which parchment was the standard material", see Sarri 2018: 86; and about the use of leftover scraps from the production of codices, see Blumell and Wayment: 469-470.

Selection criteriaMention of Christian cult officials/institutions, Mention of Christian individuals/communities, Christian terms/formulas/concepts, Nomina sacra, Writing medium suggestive of Christian context
Date from250
Date to325
Dating criteria

Dated 4th c. in ed. pr. but Luijendijk 2008: 94 reassigned the letter "in the mid- to latter-half of the third century" on palaeographic grounds and dossier connexions (Sotas, bishop of Oxyhrynchos under Maximus (bishop of Alexandria 264-282). See also W. Clarysse's comment on TM 33228, readapting the date.

Absolute/relative dateRelative date
Archaeological context-
Accession number

Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, inv. 13833.


Editio princeps

• Naldini, Mario, 1968. Il Cristianesimo in Egitto Lettere private nei papiri dei secoli II-IV. Florence, no. 28.

Additional bibliography

• Blumell, Lincoln and Wayment, Thomas. 2015. Christian Oxyrhynchus. Waco, Texas, no. 131.

• Choat, Malcolm. 2017. "Monastic Letters on Papyrus from Late Antique Egypt." In Writing and Communication in Early Monasticism, edited by M. Choat and M. Ch. Giorda. Texts and Studies in Eastern Christianity 9. Leiden, Boston, 17-71 (esp. 21; 24; 48).

• Luijendijk, AnneMarie. 2008. Greetings in the Lord. Early Christians and the Oxyrhynchus Papyri. Cambridge, Ma.

• Naldini, Mario. 1965. Documenti dell’antichità cristiana. Papiri e pergamene greco-egizie della Raccolta Fiorentina. Florence, no. 44 (descr.)

• Sarri, Antonia. 2018. Material Aspects of Letter Writing in the Graeco-Roman World. Berlin-Boston.

• Teeter, Timothy M. 1997. "Letters of Recommendation or Letters of Peace?" In Akten des 21. lnternationalen Papyrologenkongresses, Berlin 1995. Archiv für Papyrusforschung, Beiheft 3. Berlin, 954-960.

Valérie Schram, 2021
Suggested citation
Valérie Schram, 2021, "Artefact ID 1177", 4CARE database - Fourth-Century Christian Archaeological Record of Egypt, https://4care-skos.mf.no/artefacts/1177