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Artefact ID1652
TM IDTM 33677
Findspot (DEChriM ID)28   (al-Bahnasā)
Writing mediumSheet/roll
Text contentDocumentary

P.Oxy. XIV 1775, P.Oxy. 14 1775: Letter from Plutarchos to Theoninos 
The sheet (23.2 x 12.8 cm) is heavily damaged at the bottom, where remnants of a second text of 8 lines are visible. Presumably writing from Alexandria (line 8), where Plutarchos is conducting business for Theoninos, the recipient is addressed with κύριέ μου ἀδελφέ (lines 1, 6, 11-12), and Plutarchos writes that he does the προσκύνημα daily παρὰ τῷ δεσπότῃ θεῷ (line 4). He recounts his troubles with his father, and he reminds Theoninos to bring him both money and the tunica from a certain Megale when he comes. The letter is signed in a second hand, presumably Plutarchos’ own.

Selection criteriaChristian terms/formulas/concepts
Date from300
Date to399
Dating criteria


Absolute/relative dateRelative date
Archaeological context

Found in al-Bahnasā (Oxyrhynchos) during the excavations of Bernard Grenfell and Arthur S. Hunt between 1896 and 1907.

Accession number

Oklahoma, Green collection Pap. 292; Washington, Museum of the Bible, PAP.000292


Editio princeps
• Grenfell, Bernard P. and Arthur S. Hunt. 1920. The Oxyrhynchus Papyri. Part XIV (P. Oxy. XIV). London: Egypt Exploration Fund. 187, No. 1775.

Additional bibliography
• Ghedini, Giuseppe. 1923. Lettere Cristiane dai Papiri Greci del III e IV Secolo. Milano: Presso l'amministrazione di Aegyptus e la società editrice Vita e Pensiero. 254-257, No. 40.
• Kim, Chinook. 2011. "Grüße in Gott, dem Herrn!" Studien zum Stil und zur Struktur der griechischen christlichen Privatbriefe aus Ägypten [Diss.], Universität Trier. 89-92.
• Naldini, Mario. 1968. Il Cristianesimo in Egitto. Lettere private nei papiri dei secoli II-IV. Firenze: Le Monnier. 275-277, No. 66.
• Tibiletti, Giuseppe. 1979. Le lettere private nei papiri greci del III e IV secolo d.C. Tra paganesimo e cristianesimo. Milano: Vita e Pensiero. 19.

Victoria G. D. Landau, 2023
Suggested citation
Victoria G. D. Landau, 2023, "Artefact ID 1652", 4CARE database - Fourth-Century Christian Archaeological Record of Egypt, https://4care-skos.mf.no/artefacts/1652