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Artefact ID1728
TM IDTM 32942
Findspot (DEChriM ID)-   ()
Writing mediumSheet/roll
Text contentDocumentary

SB 14 11666: Letter to Alypios
This letter was written on a papyrus sheet (9.5 x 11 cm) of poor quality and features many corrections. After expressing his gratitude for the recipients’ work and indulging in well-wishes, the unnamed sender suggests that Alypios may find his son Antiochos (τῷ υἱῷ σου Ἀντιόχῳ, line 7–8) εἰς τὴν ἐκκλησίαν (line 8–9), most likely referring to a church rather than a civil assembly. Along the left margin, two lines have been written by a second hand. The verso contains the name of the sender and faded traces of the recipient’s name.

Selection criteriaMention of Christian cult officials/institutions
Date from300
Date to325
Dating criteria


Absolute/relative dateRelative date
Archaeological context

Unknown provenance

Accession number

Milan, Università Cattolica P. Med. 65


Editio princeps
• Daris, Sergio. 1978. “Tre Lettere su Papiro.” Archiv für Papyrusforschung (AfP) 26. 39-43: 41-42.

Additional bibliography
• –––. 2005. “II. Civil Documents Using Ecclesiastical Terms. A. Civil or Church Assemblies?” Papyri from the Rise of Christianity in Egypt: Draft Conspectus. (PCE.II.A). Macquarie University. 3, No. –. [http://www.mq.edu.au/pubstatic/public/download/%3Fid%3D45105&usg=AOvVaw2xqK_R6N3vQdQpC4Mq_iMD]
• –––. 2005. “IX. Letters Dated Early or First Half IV. B. With Expressions Not on Their Own Decisive for Christian Identity.” Papyri from the Rise of Christianity in Egypt: Draft Conspectus. (PCE.IX.B). Macquarie University. 8, No. 115?. [http://www.mq.edu.au/pubstatic/public/download/%3Fid%3D45105&usg=AOvVaw2xqK_R6N3vQdQpC4Mq_iMD]
• Choat, Malcolm. 2006. Belief and Cult in Fourth-Century Papyri. Studia Antiqua Australiensia 1. Turnhout: Brepols. 158, 176.
• Rupprecht, Hans-Albert and Joachim Hengstl. 1983. Sammelband Griechischer Urkunden aus Ägypten. Vierzehnter Band. Zweites Heft. (Nr. 11595–11937). (SB 14). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. 241-242, No. 11666.

Victoria G. D. Landau, 2023
Suggested citation
Victoria G. D. Landau, 2023, "Artefact ID 1728", 4CARE database - Fourth-Century Christian Archaeological Record of Egypt, https://4care-skos.mf.no/artefacts/1728
External links