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Artefact ID174
TM IDTM 143282
Findspot (DEChriM ID)15   (al-Baǧawāt)
ClassFunerary element, Textual
Writing mediumInscription
Text contentSubliterary

Wagner 1999: 153-154, no. 17; SEG XLIX 2230 — Epitaph of Herakleios

One of two sandstone stelae found in the chamber of a shaft grave, lying in the sand. Both show traces of plaster. Dimensions: 32 x 40 x 11-15 cm thick, height of letters c. 5-6 cm.

Reads: Ἡράκλ|ειος υ[]|ὸν Ἐρῶ[ς]

Selection criteriaArchaeological context associated with Christian markers
Date from301
Date to499
Dating criteria

Archaeological context

Absolute/relative dateRelative date
Archaeological context

Pit grave no. 73: associated with Wagner 1999: 153, no. 15. The stela was found during the first excavation season of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in Kharga, which took place from Feb 21 to early May, 1908.

Accession number

The current location of the stela is unknown.


Editio princeps

• Wagner, Guy. 1999. "Les stèles funéraires de Bagawat (Oasis de Khargeh)". Cahiers de recherches de l'Institut de papyrologie et d'égyptologie de Lille 20: 153 and fig. 2.

Additional bibliography

• Records of the Metropolitan Museum of Art's Excavations of the Late Roman and Early Byzantine Sites in the Kharga Oasis, The Metropolitan Museum Department of Medieval Art. No. 73 cont., circa 1907-1908, Box 1, Folder 21

Rhiannon Williams, Victor Ghica, 2021, 2024
Suggested citation
Rhiannon Williams, Victor Ghica, 2021, 2024, "Artefact ID 174", 4CARE database - Fourth-Century Christian Archaeological Record of Egypt, https://4care-skos.mf.no/artefacts/174