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Artefact ID448
TM IDTM 20292
Findspot (DEChriM ID)12   (Ismant al-Ḫarāb)
Writing mediumSheet/roll
Text contentDocumentary

P.Kellis I 30: Exchange of ownership rights

Exchange of property rights between Aurelius Psenpnouthes from the Panopolite nome and Aurelius Horos from Kellis concerning immovables in the middle-Egyptian village of Aphrodite.

Horos gives the sixth part of a farm in the Southern part of Aphrodite, which he had inherited from his mother (apparently co-owner with Aurelius Psenpnouthes). The precise location of the immovable (a house?) brought in by Psenpnouthes is unclear. The document is of considerable interest because of the description of the family of the addressee of the document, Aurelius Horos son of Pamour, and also because it illustrates the fact that this Christian family had properties in the village of Aphrodite, otherwise undocumented in the middle of the 4th c. See also P.Kellis I 32.

The papyrus consists now of two combinations of fragments. On both sides, the writing runs parallel with the fibres.

Selection criteriaMention of Christian individuals/communities, Christian onomastics, Archaeological context associated with Christian markers
Date from363
Date to363
Dating criteria

Text dated May 22, 363.

Family of Pamour.

Absolute/relative dateAbsolute date
Archaeological context

P. 71: room 6, level 3; P. 52.A+C: room 9, level 3; P. 56.F: ibidem, Western Door-way; 'Unnumbered It 2': House 3, provenance not stated. 

Accession number

Kellis, excavations Dakleh Oasis Project 1986-, inv. P. 71 + P. 52.A + C + P. 56.F + 'Unnumbered It 2'


Editio princeps

• Worp, Klaas, with contributions by J.E.G. Whitehorne and R.W. Daniel. 1995. Greek Papyri from Kellis I. (P.Kell.G.). Nos. 1-90. Dakhleh Oasis Project: Monograph 3. Oxford: Oxbow Books, no. 30: 86-91 and pl. 30.

Valérie Schram, 2021
Suggested citation
Valérie Schram, 2021, "Artefact ID 448", 4CARE database - Fourth-Century Christian Archaeological Record of Egypt, https://4care-skos.mf.no/artefacts/448