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Artefact ID512
TM IDTM 62059
Findspot (DEChriM ID)-   ()
Writing mediumCodex
Text contentLiterary

OTS 14 (1965): 201-205

A large sized velum fragment (21.2 x 17.5 cm) containing 1 Samuel 24, 25, 32 and 2 Samuel: 1-2 (passim).

The fragment preserves parts of a conjugate folio (i.e., one leaf of a quire), with an estimated 2 bifolios missing; see ed. pr. The text is arranged in two columns, with an original volume of approx. 43 lines per column.

The text presents 1 Samuel 24:11 to 25:20 (preserved on folio A), as well as 1 Samuel 31:2 - 2 Samuel 2:4 on folio B, of which a large part is missing. The margins contain several corrections and additions, and the hand is a small, upright uncial, using nomina sacra.

Selection criteriaLiterary genre (Biblical), Nomina sacra
Date from300
Date to499
Dating criteria

Palaeography. The handwriting was first dated to the 4/5 c. by E. von Scherling in the sales notice posted in the antiquities journal Rotulus (1954). Wright (1994: 79-80) and Baars (1965: 201) agree with Scherling's estimate.

Absolute/relative dateRelative date
Archaeological context

Provenance is unknown.

The fragment (before the time of publication of the ed. pr.) was offered for sale as no. 2475 by E. von Scherling in the 7th volume of Rotulus (1954). For a detailed history of the transactions leading from the sales notice in Rotulus (1954) to the acquisition by the Yale University library (1965); see Wright 1994: 79-80 n.3.

Accession number

New Haven, Yale University, Beinecke Library Ms. 544 RA 846 (formerly P.Yale inv. 2183).


Reference edition:

∙ Wright, Benjamin G. 1994. "A Greek Fragment of the Books of Samuel: Beinecke Library MS 544 (RA 846)". Textus. Annual of the Hebrew University Bible Project 17. 79-100.

Editio princeps:

∙ Baars, Willem. 1965. "A Forgotten Fragment of the Greek Text of the Books of Samuel". Oudtestamentische Studien 14. 201-205.

Additional bibliography:

∙ Rahlfs, Alfred and Detlef Fraenkel. 2004 (1914). Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des Alten Testaments. Göttingen. 252-253, descr. no. 846.

∙ van Haelst, Joseph. 1976. Catalogue des papyrus littéraires juifs et chrétiens. Paris. Description no. 67.

∙ von Scherling, Erik. 1954. Rotulus. Vol. 7. Sales item no. 2475.

Sofia Heim, 2021
Suggested citation
Sofia Heim, 2021, "Artefact ID 512", 4CARE database - Fourth-Century Christian Archaeological Record of Egypt, https://4care-skos.mf.no/artefacts/512