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Artefact ID850
TM IDTM 61856
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Writing mediumCodex
Text contentLiterary

PSI XIV 1373; Gregory-Aland P65; 𝔓65; NT65

Papyrus fragment containing Paul Epistula 1 Ad Thessalonicenses 1:3-2:1 and 2:6-2:13.

The papyrus measures 16 x 4.7 cm, and contains 19 (recto) and 18 (verso) lines of text in what appears to be a single column. The original format appears to have been 25 x 18 cm, with approx. 28-29 lines of text per page.

The fragment possibly belongs to the same codex as P.Yale I 2 (Ephesians from 3/4th c.; provenance N/A), as is argued by Comfort 2005: 68-69.

Selection criteriaLiterary genre (Biblical)
Date from250
Date to350
Dating criteria

Palaeography. The ed. pr. places the fragment in the 3rd c. The palaeographers W. Clarysse and P. Orsini place the fragment later, in the second half of the 3rd c. to the first half of the 4th; see Clarysse / Orsini 2012: 470.

Absolute/relative dateRelative date
Archaeological context

The provenance is unknown.

Accession number

Florence, Istituto Papirologico ’G. Vitelli’ PSI inv. 2491


Editio princeps:

∙ Bartoletti, Vittorio. 1957. Papiri greci e latini. Vol. 14. Florence. 5-7, papyrus no. 1373.

Additional bibliography:

· Aland, Kurt. 1976. Repertorium der griechischen christlichen Papyri: 1. Biblische Papyri: Altes Testament, Neues Testament, Varia, Apokryphen. Berlin. Neues Testament 65.

∙ Comfort, Philip W. and David P. Barrett. 1999. The complete text of the earliest New Testament manuscripts. Grand Rapids, Michigan. 345-351.

∙ Comfort, Philip W. 2005. Encountering the Manuscripts: an Introduction to New Testament Paleography & Criticism. Broadman & Holman. 180.

∙ Clarysse, Willy and Pasquale Orsini. 2012. "Early new testament manuscripts and their dates: A critique of theological palaeography". Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses 88. 443-474.

∙ Crisci, Eduardo. 2008. "Riflessioni paleografiche (e non solo) sui più antichi manoscritti greci del Nuovo Testamento". Oltre la scrittura. Bianconi, Daniele, ed. Dossiers Byzantins 8. Paris. Plate no. 5c.

∙ Jaroš, Karl. 2006. Das Neue Testament nach den ältesten griechischen Handschriften (CD-Rom). Wien-Würzburg: Echter. 4254-4264, no. 2.46.

∙ Naldini, Mario. 1965. Documenti dell’Antichità Cristiana. Papiri e pergamene greco-egizie della Raccolta Fiorentina. Firenze. 18, description no. 17 and plate nr. 13.

∙ Russo, Simona. 2017. L'Egitto di santa Caterina. Firenze: Edizioni Polistampa. 99.

∙ Turner, Eric G. 1977. The Typology of the Early Codex. Pennsylvania. 149, nr. P65.

∙ van Haelst, Joseph. 1976. Catalogue des papyrus littéraires juifs et chrétiens. Paris. Description no. 526.

∙ Wachtel, K., & Witte, K., eds. 1994. Das Neue Testament auf Papyrus 2: Die paulinischen Briefe, Teil 2: Gal, Eph, Phil, Kol, 1 u. 2 Tim, Tit, Phlm, Hebr. W. de Gruyter. Page no. LXI.

Sofia Heim, 2021
Suggested citation
Sofia Heim, 2021, "Artefact ID 850", 4CARE database - Fourth-Century Christian Archaeological Record of Egypt,