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Kharga Oasis excavations



In October and November, our project’s team and collaborators carried out fieldwork on several sites in Kharga Oasis. While concentrating on the excavations at Šams al-Dīn and Dayr Muṣṭafā Kāšif, our teams finalised also the topographic survey of the large archaeological area stretching from ʿAyn al-Ṭurba and ʿAyn Ǧallāl, in the south, to Ǧabal al-Ṭayr, in the north. In addition, our team continued its work in the necropolis of al-Baǧawāt, and renovated the house of Ahmed Fakhry, at al-Baǧawāt, and IFAO’s excavation house of Dūš.