Artefact ID | 1738 |
TM ID | TM 59114 |
Findspot (DEChriM ID) | 29 (al-Mudil) | Class | Textual |
Material | Parchment |
Writing medium | Codex, Sheet/roll |
Text content | Literary |
Language | Greek, Coptic |
Description | Schmitz-Mink mae 3: This vellum sheet (12.1 x 10.7 cm) is the pastedown (p. B) glued inside the front cover of the Codex Glazier, a 112-folio Coptic miniature codex containing Acts of the Apostles. It contains three distinct text sections, all written by the same hand as the Codex, and is inscribed with the page number 2 (ⲃ). The verso of the sheet was blank; despite being glued to the codex binding, the vellum is thin enough to see through. The proposes the sheet had originally been intended for use in a codex containing Kings, but discarded due to the error on line 6. |
Selection criteria | Literary genre (Biblical) |
Date from | 300 |
Date to | 499 |
Dating criteria | Palaeography; the Codex Glazier has generally been dated to the 5th c., but is increasingly assigned to the late 4th/early 5th c. |
Absolute/relative date | Relative date |
Archaeological context | Unclear provenance; it has been discussed whether the Codex Glazier and the Codex Scheide (236-folio Coptic miniature codex containing Gospel Matthew) had been found together and were part of the Dišna Papers (including several Bodmer Papyri), reportedly found at Ǧabal Abū Mannāʿ near Dishna (Upper Egypt) in 1952. al-Mudil, a Coptic graveyard in the Oxyrhynchite several km north of Al-Bahnasā, is discussed in Schenke 1991. |
Accession number | New York, Pierpont Morgan Library Wm. Glazier Collection G. 67 |