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French al-Moddal | al-Mudel | el-Moudel
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DEChriM ID29
Trismegistos GeoID3695
Pleiades ID-
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Modern nameal-Mudil
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Al-Mudil is the site of a small cemetery located on the eastern side of the Nile, in the vicinity of al-Fašn, some 125km south of Cairo. In 1984, the ‘Mudil Codex’ was found here (see artefact 56). This was said to have been recovered from the grave of a young girl, and was accompanied by a tiny ankh/crux ansata, which acted as a peg used to lock the book (Gabra et. al. 1995, 32). From the photos published in Gabra et. al. 1995., the cemetery is densely packed with pit-burials, with the bodies said to have been simply placed in a pit, wrapped in linen and tied with coloured bandages (Gabra et. al. 1995, plate 4).

Archaeological research

While the site has seen a number of local excavations in the 1980s, no information concerning the duration, or extent of this work is available. Relevant publications are limited to a brief overview of the archaeological work in Gabra et. al. 1995, 23-26.


Bosson, N. and R. Kasser. 1997. Wörterverzeichnis zu Gawdat Gabras Ausgabe des Psalters im mesokemischen (oxyrhynchitischen/mittelägyptischen) Dialekt des Koptischen (Mudil Kodex). Leuven: Peeters.
• Gabra, G. 1993. Cairo: The Coptic Museum and Old Churches. Cairo: Egyptian International Publishing Company – Longman. 110-111.

• Gabra, G., N. Iskander, G. Mink, and J. L. III Sharpe. 1995. Der Psalter im oxyrhynchitischen (mesokemischen/mittelägyptischen) Dialekt. Heidelberg: Heidelberg Orientverlag.

Rhiannon Williams , Victor Ghica, 2020
Suggested citation
Rhiannon Williams , Victor Ghica, 2020, "al-Mudil", 4CARE database - Fourth-Century Christian Archaeological Record of Egypt,
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