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Artefact ID : 1774

Findspot (DEChriM ID) : 17  (Dayr Muṣṭafā Kāšif)

Class : Architectural element

Material : Stone

Accession number :

Unknown. The object was in situ in 2022.

Description : Limestone capital. Visible on the only unbroken side, the capital fea...


Artefact ID : 1775

Findspot (DEChriM ID) : 17  (Dayr Muṣṭafā Kāšif)

Class : Architectural element

Material : Stone

Accession number :

Unknown. The object was in situ in 2022.

Description : Sanstone collonnette. The colonnette was hewn from the same block of ...


Artefact ID : 1776

Findspot (DEChriM ID) : 17  (Dayr Muṣṭafā Kāšif)

Class : Architectural element

Material : Stone

Accession number :

Unknown. The object was in situ in 2022.

Description : Sanstone collonnette. The colonnette was hewn from the same block of ...


Artefact ID : 1777

Findspot (DEChriM ID) : 17  (Dayr Muṣṭafā Kāšif)

Class : Textual

Material : Leather

Accession number :

Unknown. The fragments are kept at the local Copto-Islamic inspectorate of Kharga Oasis.

Description : Fragments of a leather codex cover. On both vertical edges, three ori...


Artefact ID : 1778

Findspot (DEChriM ID) : 17  (Dayr Muṣṭafā Kāšif)

Class : Garment/adornment/accessories

Material : Leather

Accession number :

Unknown. The object is kept at the local Copto-Islamic inspectorate of Kharga Oasis.

Description : Fragment of leather belt. The belt fragment is some 20cm in length an...


Artefact ID : 1779

Findspot (DEChriM ID) : 17  (Dayr Muṣṭafā Kāšif)

Class : Garment/adornment/accessories

Material : Leather

Accession number :

Unknown. The object is kept at the local Copto-Islamic inspectorate of Kharga Oasis.

Description : Leather sole of a child shoe. The sole belonged to a right shoe. Near...