Artefact ID | 1535 |
TM ID | - |
Findspot (DEChriM ID) | 1 (Dūš) |
Class | Cooking/table/transport/storage ware |
Material | Ceramic |
Description | Jug decorated with Christian symbols (a crux ansata and a bunch of grapes) and a dipinto. This decoration is distinct from the original one and was realised after the burning of the jug. The jug belongs to the local oasean production, probably centred around ancient Hibis (Ballet 2004: 224). This type of container was used for wine transportation. |
Selection criteria | Christian symbols/gestures/isopsephy |
Date from | 301 |
Date to | 400 |
Dating criteria | Parallels from Dūš (Ballet 2004: 224). |
Absolute/relative date | Relative date |
Archaeological context | - |
Accession number | Unknown |