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Artefact ID691
TM IDTM 102978
Findspot (DEChriM ID)15   (al-Baǧawāt)
Writing mediumDipinto
Text contentSubliterary

I.Oasis p. 62-63 no. 1; IGChrEg 357; SEG XXXVIII 1697: Liturgical text.

Text painted in red on a layer of white plaster on the left side of the west wall. The first line ("One God Verb") starts with a cross and is written in a round majuscule; whereas the rest of the text is in a square majuscule.

Prayer on behalf of the deceased person/people of the chapel, starting with an invocatio to the holy trinity, father, son and holy spirit, the truth of God, quoting elements from Matth. 6, 13 / Luke 11, 4. The end is partially lost but parts of an indictional date remain. Unsystematic use of nomina sacra.

The "One God" formula (l. 1) is commonly found in 4th c. western Desert, see I.Ain el-Gedida 10.4.2.

Written in smaller letters, above this inscription: I.Oasis p. 63 no. 2.

Selection criteriaSubliterary genre (Liturgical), Christian symbols/gestures/isopsephy, Nomina sacra, Biblical quote or paraphrase
Date from325
Date to499
Dating criteria

Palaeography, quality of the hand and location of the dipinto inside a niche, led Wagner to consider the text as part of the original funerary program of the chapel (but gives no date).

Absolute/relative dateRelative date
Archaeological context

Chapel 71 is of a "square domed type" (type 4, Fakhry 1951: 20). We find in the same chapel the oldest Coptic dipinti of the necropolis, see Roquet 1976: 45.

Accession number

Al-Baǧawāt, in situ (Chapel no. 71 / Roquet, Ghica no. 1.05)


Reference edition

• Wagner, Guy. 1987. Les oasis d'Égypte à l'époque grecque, romaine et byzantine d'après les documents grecs. Cairo: Ifao, 62-63, no. 1 and pl. XXIV. 

Editio princeps

• Lefebvre, Gustave. 1907. Recueil des inscriptions grecques-chrétiennes d'Égypte. Cairo: Ifao, no. 357.

Additional bibliography

• De Bock, W. 1901. Matériaux pour servir à l'archéologie de l'Égypte chrétienne. St. Petersbourg, 13-14 (fig. 20c).

• Fakhry, Ahmed. 1951. The Necropolis of El-Bagawat in Kharga Oasis. Cairo: Government press, 131 and pl. XXXVI B.

• Pleket, H.W. and Stroud, R.S. 1988. “SEG 38-1697-1725. Khargeh Oasis (Bagawat). Inscriptions, graffiti, funerary stelai.” In Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum, Current editors: A. T. E. N. Chaniotis Corsten Stavrianopolou Papazarkadas. Consulted online (2021).

• Roquet, Gérard. 1976. "Les Graffites coptes de Bagawat (Oasis de Kharga). Remarques préliminaires." Bulletin de la Société française d'Égyptologie 76: 25-48.  

Valérie Schram, 2021
Suggested citation
Valérie Schram, 2021, "Artefact ID 691", 4CARE database - Fourth-Century Christian Archaeological Record of Egypt,